Social Media for Political Campaigns

A Wise Man Once Said, “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” Like it or not…he was right.

Campaigns can cost-effectively raise funds and build support using innovative internet techniques.  Donor pockets aren’t as deep these days, and clients expect consultants to know how to maximize use of the internet with an integrated social media strategy.  Unlike direct mail and traditional advertisements, internet analytics will verify the effectiveness of each campaign communication.  You know instantly what works – and what doesn’t.

Social media is a communication tool that cannot be ignored.  Over a Billion people seem to like Facebook.. Keeping up with the technical aspects of social networking is the challenge.  The development of platforms like Facebook and Twitter change daily – offering opportunities, and malfunctioning sites if in-house staff is not up on the latest development.   Capitol Social has their finger on the pulse of the latest internet advancements.  You don’t have to keep up with current apps and algorithms, we’ll handle it for you.

Political and Issue Campaign Solutions:

Integrated Campaign Website – Show your future constituents you are a wealth of knowledge and favor transparency by sharing your views through your blog to your social media sites.  Make it easy for voters to volunteer, endorse and donate with links back to your website.  Most importantly, get found on the internet!

Fanpages on Facebook –  Grow your base of support.  Coming from a trusted source, such as a friend or opinion leader, messages are well-received and visitors are more likely to become engaged by sharing, donating and signing up to volunteer.

Multi-media News Releases – branded interactive emails that include embedded video, downloadable photo galleries, biographies, audio soundbites, and links to detailed background information.  Today’s news release will be distributed beyond traditional media journalists, including bloggers and the general public.

eBlast Campaigns – event invitations and campaign updates with the look and feel that attracts supporters and donors.  Engage visitors with opportunities to express their views, react to your latest announcement, and share with their network of friends.

Reputation Management – now standard in any campaign,  providing the opportunity to lead the conversation, and redirect visitors to your perspective on the issues and personalities of importance to your client.

Discussion Forums – start and lead discussions on key issues in your community.  Use the data to build lists of supporters and potential donors.

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